Cemetery Lettering

We encourage families to consider purchasing memorials pre-need with final dates to be added later.
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Often families want to add the names of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.  Sunset Memorials maintains a truck with a portable compressor dedicated to doing this lettering in the cemetery without disturbing your memorial or those around it.


Cemetery lettering can be ordered by a family or through your funeral director.  For legal reasons, we cannot collect any fees for this service when a memorial is first ordered as that work has to be done at a future date, but your funeral planner can include those fees in your preneed  funeral arrangements.

Continued advancements

The Randalls and Jacksons have regularly attended State and National conventions to keep up with advancements in the granite industry and memorialization trends such as cremation.

Growth & Expansion

They have continued to expand both an indoor and outdoor display based on the understanding that families need to see the range of granite colors, monument styles and shapes, design and personalization all while considering budget.

A Common Goal

Jacksons and their staff recognize a common goal with funeral homes and cemeteries to support loved ones in time of grieving and to prepare a final resting place of honor for every person.